Monday, March 4, 2013

Come Fly with Me

Mrs. Wongs Science class is doing a project with three paper airplanes. For this assignment student are supposed to create a hypothesis, design procedures, complete two graphs, and write a conclusion that explains results related to the question. Their question is, "how does the weight of paper affect how far a paper airplane will fly?"

Many students set up their experiments by going into the hallway and marking a point on the floor where they were going to first throw their airplanes. After they had thrown their airplane they would pull the measuring tape to where the airplane landed then record their data. They repeated those steps with the other two airplanes. Next, they made a graph to show their data. Finally, they wrote a conclusion.

Students had a lot of fun in the hallways testing out their paper airplanes. Students can't wait for their next project!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Keep Black History Month in Schools?

File:Carter G Woodson portrait.jpg
Carter G. Woodson

Should Black History be celebrated as its own month? Many people are wondering if Black History should only be taught in February. Black History Month was once Negro History Week. The week was chosen becuase it was the birthday of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Carter G. Woodson created this holiday becuase he hoped that one day it would be eliminated and be thought of as American History. The government thought as popularity grew in was good to dedicate an entire month to Black History.

Many people say we should keep Black History Month because it is important for children to know Black History. Robert Ellis, a teacher, says, "If we didn't have Black History Month, black history might be overlooked, minimized, or ignored." Robert also says, "Black history is a part of American history and should be incorporated into regular history lessons, but we shouldn't give up the scarce opportunity to highlight the contributions of African Americans during February." Karen Warrington says, "America is so diverse that we should be teaching the stories of all its people evenly."

Some think that Black History should be celebrated all year round. "Black people are like everyone else," a source says," it should be celebrated all year." Julius Thomas, a teacher, says that we should celebrate black history all year round because, "American history should be inclusive of all cultures so we can minimize prejudice, racism, and ignorance."

All races are celebrated around the world. But in such a melting pot of a country, there's not enough time to celebrate all the cultures. What do you think? Should we have Black History Month celebrated only in February? or all year round?